An old friend of mine, Stella Rey, performed her piece Dance With Me: Leaving the Solo Behind at BFI in Downtown Miami.

While waiting for the show to get started, attendees could create works of their own or collaborate, adding freely to each other’s work.

Part of the point of the exhibition was to enable uninhibited creation by everyone in attendance, in a way bringing out the child in all of us.

BFI, previously Bas Fisher Invitational, is “an artist run space dedicated to creativity, experimentation, and discourse in contemporary art.” The BFI space at the old Captain Harry’s spot in Downtown Miami (I remember going there as a little kid with my father) provides a great atmosphere for performance and presentation.

Here’s Stella Rey performing her piece.

I felt that there was a distinct narrative to the performance.

Follow along and see if you get the same feeling.

Tearing it down…

… reworking…

… and putting it back up; new, and different.

The performance was definitely well received.

But it wasn’t over when Stella Rey finished her performance. In keeping with the name of the work, Dance With Me, several audience members and Stella herself kept the party going.